Sunday, January 27, 2013

Daniel Gutstein: Computers and Society Blog #1: Introduction

My name is Daniel Gutstein.  I am a junior at Northeastern Illinois University and am majoring in Economics and Communications.  I am taking Computers and Society 100 because it is a General Education requirement.  Outside of school, I like to spend time with my family, exercise with my dad, volunteer for my local synagogue, teach gym for a local Jewish high school, and coach my little brother's basketball team.  I would say that I know a little bit about computers, but as my friend Yoni Gabel likes to tell me, I am a little bit TC, technologically challenged.  I do not even own my own computer, I usually just borrow my brother's laptop. Despite the fact I do not even own my own computer, I realize with each passing day how I am becoming more and more dependent on computers to function in my everyday life. 


  1. That's really cool that you coach your brother's basketball team. I have always had a passion to play though I never played in High School. I did get to coach my little brother's intramural team for a little bit and that was really fun. What age group is your brother and his team? Also, if you still play the University Physical Education building has open gym almost all day 5 days a week. I play there sometimes, feel free to stop by and hop in a pick-up Game.

  2. Daniel, I feel like we are opposite to each other; you like sports since you are a gym teacher and even coach for your brother's basketball team whereas myself not only I am not very good in sports, and also not very interested in this area.I enjoy computers, like working with them and even own a laptop but in the other hand, you feel technologically challenged. I agree with you that in everyday life, computers are getting to become a neccessity.Do not worry overtime you will feel comfortable with computers as good as coaaching.

  3. Hi Daniel, Wow you have a pretty packed schedule. That's nice, coaching your brother's basketball team. I love basketball, but was never good enough to make a team. I play a pick up game for fun once a week with some friends.

  4. Hi Daniel. I can relate to being TC. That is one of the reasons I am taking the class and because it a Gen Ed requirement. But, who knows where this knowledge will take me. Maybe I will end up with an I-Phone 6 when it finally comes out.

  5. Hello Daniel. I feel you. Computer's are a major part of our lives, and there's really now way getting around it. I'm glad your taking the course, maybe it'll help to make you a little less tc ;).

  6. Hey guys, do me a favor and add my blog to your blog roll.

  7. i like to spend time with my family too,I think this is among the first things i enjoy doing .

  8. my opinion is by your own laptop because there are files that are very important to us to have it on our own lappy. ... because if we still borrows the the important file will be scattered to every laptop we use.

